czwartek, 21 stycznia 2016

National Hugging Day! -21 January

There’s nothing more reassuring than a comforting cuddle; Hugging Day encourages you to embrace hugging, and to give those you care about a comforting squeeze. Lovely! The holiday was founded by Rev. Kevin Zaborney on March 29, 1986 in Caro, Michigan.

7 Reasons to celebrate National Hug Day :)

1. Hugging improves our relationships.
2.Hugging is good for the heart—especially during conflict.
3. A hug a day keeps the doctor away.
4. Hugging gives us the warm-and-fuzzies.
5.When it comes to hugs, it’s NOT better to give than it is to receive.
6. Hugging may relieve existential anxiety.
7. In pain? Giving yourself a hug could help.

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