czwartek, 21 kwietnia 2016

Queen's 90th Birthday - 21 April.

Happy Birthday Your Majesty!

The Queen with her five great-grandchildren and her two youngest grandchildren that was taken in the Green Drawing Room, part of the Castle's semi-State apartments. The children are, from bottom left:

Mia Tindall (holding The Queen's handbag), the two year old daughter of Zara and Mike Tindall;
James, Viscount Severn (aged 8) and Lady Louise (12), the children of The Earl and Countess of Wessex
and the youngest of The Queen's eight grandchildren;
Savannah (5) and Isla Phillips (3), daughters of The Queen's eldest grandson Peter Phillips
and his wife Autumn;
Prince George (2) and, in The Queen's arms and in the tradition of Royal portraiture, the youngest great-grandchild, Princess Charlotte (11months), children of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

The Queen walking in the private grounds of Windsor Castle.

The Queen is seen on steps at the rear of the East Terrace and East Garden with fourof her dogs: clockwise from top left Willow (corgi), Vulcan (dorgie), Candy (dorgie) and Holly

The Queen with her daughter The Princess Royal,
taken in the White Drawing Room at Windsor Castle.


Primary History - Famous People- Queen Elizabeth II  :
Queen Elizabeth II birthday quiz :)
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